Friday, February 11, 2011

Granville Street

As I told you I will continue today about my trip Yesterday.
We passed over Granville street , which in the summer is very nice.. They closed it and all the street is for walking... I think that such streets are lovely they are all for you.
In the summer there are a lot of performances in the street which is very cool... while you're are walking you are being entertained lol
then we went towards the museum... which really.... I cannot recall any famous artist in there XD maybe it give you the opportunity to know new artists ....
Really I cannot remember anything special about the places, sorry :(
There was a small fake aquarium to take a tour .. It was cool but sooo short hehhe  I will put pictures so you can understand how was it ^^

I'm trying to catch a fake fish ^^

It made bubbles, but cannot be seen in the pic

a band that was playing in front of the train
station on Granville street yesterday

Granville street in the summer
It was a very fun Brazilian band ^^

I'm sad they removed the Canadian flag
It made you feel you are in Canada heheh
The museum


Como les dije les seguire contando sobre mi paseo ayer...
Pasamos por Granville Street, Que en verano la hace una peatonal donde los hay artistas perfomando! esas clases de calles me encantan ya que estas entretenido mientras caminas jjaja
despues fuimos al museo, que de veras no me puedo acordar de nadie famoso que este ahi jejje de una manera puede ser bueno ya que te da a conocer a nuevos artitas. No me puedo recordar nada especial de cuando estuve ahi perdon ><
habia como un aquario falso, que estaba bonito pero el tour fue suuuper corto jejje, les puse fotos para que vean como era.



Chroma said...

Looks like a fun museum(:
Thank you for dropping by my blog dear!
And wow, you speak three languages? Very cool!

Rorro said...

Well the museum is ok.. not that interesting lol
yep actually I can speak 3 languages, but I cannot speak Japanese is my boyfriend translating, because many Japanese come here.
In the blog I use only 2 languages that I know.