Sunday, May 29, 2011

Winter again

These days are completely like winter! we have wind,rain and cold all the time hehehe, I can't wait for warmer days to come, seriously they say that here is one of the sunniest cities of Canada, but this year it sounds like a big lie hehehe
In the pictures you can see my feelings of agony after the long waiting for warmer and more sunny days lol
Well today was sunny but cold hehehe These pictures were taken at 8pm... well the morning was cloudy and rainy but the evening was sooo sunny.... here in Canada the sun can last until 9pm or more.. is a nice thing when you working late ... let's say until 7 or something you still have sun when you finnish and it's a nice feeling.

Today I went to a friend's house (coworker as well), she knows how to make flowers arrangements and parties decorations... she makes super beautiful things and she will teach me... I hope I will become a good student and learn it well.
Today me and her made something, I've learned the very basics and enjoyed it a lot.
Here is what we made

Snapdragon and Asiatic Lilies
Estos dias estuvieron como si fuera puro invierno, tuvimos lluvia,viento y frio todo el tiempo jeje no puedo esperar a que se ponga mas templado, de veras! dicen que aca es una de las ciudades mas soleadas de Canada pero este anio eso suena como pura mentira hahha
En las fotos ustesdes pueden ver mi agonia antes tanta espera para dias mas soleados y calurosos jejej
Bueno la verdad es que hoy estuvo soleado, vah por la maniana llovio y despues por la tarde se puso soleado...estas fotos me las saque a las 8pm ... aca en Canada el sol se puede quedar asta las 9pm o also asi... es algo bueno si uno trabaja hasta tarde... por que si salis a eso de las 7pm todabia hay mucho sol y es algo que a uno lo hace sentir bien.

Hoy fui a la casa de una amiga (companiera de trabajo) y ella sabe hacer arreglos de florales y tambien decoraciones para fiestas... ella me va a enseniar... espero ser una buena estudiante y aprenderlo bien.
Lo que esta en la foto es lo que hicimos hoy, hoy aprendi lo mas basico y si que lo disfrute un monton ^^

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Like a princess

I really hate my scanner , it takes all the life and color of this drawing, the bad thing is that I already gave it to the person I made it for.

Here is some of the process

Well I'm sorry again for such a bad quality.
It was for one of my coworkers and she liked it ^^
It reminds me of what sometimes I would imagine of what a  princess would look like in simple and nice day hehe , I was imitating this by putting what's on the picture which I took from my grandma heheh

I don't know the name of this
Picture taken from

Others I just try to imitate them by putting all the sheets I could put on myself and pretending that's a big princess dress hehehe now that I got older I can tell it was just a big mess lol I'm lucky that no body got mad at me messing all those sheets ><
Did you do something similar when you were little? or even about trying to imitate another things?


De veras que odio este escanner le saco todo colo y vida a mi dibujo y lo peor de todo es que ya lo de asique no tendre otra oportunidad de hacerlo.
Me disculpo otra vez por tan mala calidad.
El dibujo fue para una companiera de trabajo y al parecer le gusto ^^

Lo hice por que me hace acordar de como era que me imaginaba de chica a una princesa en un dia normal y simple... yo lo imitaba agarrando las enaguas de mi abuela hehehe (creo que se dice asi)
En otras ocasiones me ponia encima todas las sabanas pretendiendo que eso es un hermoso y grandote vestido de princesa, ahora que ya estoy grande me puedo dar cuenta que eso se veia como un gran lio jejeje de veras que tuve suerte que no me retaron por hacer todo ese lio con las sabanas.
Ustedes tambien hacian esas cosas de chicos? o tratando de imitar alguna otra cosa?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Today. Forever

Cardigan From Urban Plannet 5$
Shirt from Walmart  10$
Skirt From Forever21 12$
Flower pin from Claire's 2 for 5$

So my week was pretty boring, one day sunny all the other days were rainy and windy ... but I really spend most of my days taking pictures... my family started to get tired of it  hohoh , there wasn't a day I didn't touch my camera! I'm so happy with it ^^

 Here is a picture of today

Not so much rain but anyway enough to put you in a rainy mood hehe that's what inspired me to put some color and flowers even if it is inside the house

and pictures of my family and my pigama which is the outfit of the week!! hhehe
my sisters and grandma

For the end a song that tells how I feel lately, it's an Argentian band Called "El otro yo" (the other me) and the song is "Hoy te espero"( Today I'm waiting for you)
It's girl who cannot be reasonable with her feelings ( kinda be impulsive) she just knows how to feel it, she says "Today I'm waiting for you, by my side you will be forever" ^^

Esta semana fue super aburrida, un dia soleado y los demas ventosos y lluvias... pero me la pasa sacando fotos todo el tiempo, hasta tengo podrida a mi familia jojojo, no huvo un dia que no toque la camara.... de veras que ando super contenta con ella ^^
puse una foto del dia de hoy.... eso fue lo que me inspiro a ponerme un poco de color y ver las flores aunque sea la que estan en casa .
Puse algunas fotos de mi familia y para terminar una cancion de: El otro Yo- Hoy Te Espero... que es justo por lo que ando pasando ahora jajaja

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Another random day

As I told you I been trying to sew some things... but I'm so slow heheh too many thoughts about tooo many things hehhe but anyway I'm doing some progress, hope what I'm doing will look nice  (with lots of help from my grandma ^^) Here are some pictures I took of the sewing machine and tools :)

The problem is that lately I cannot dress nicely... I can do it only on the weekends when I don't work, but hopefully it will change in 3 months ^^

Here is peter on the stairs as usual

Como les dije estuve tratando de coser, pero voy tan lento.... tengo mis cabeza metidas en muchas cosas y ahi ando todo el dia pensando y pensando jejeje pero igual estoy progresando con mucha ayuda de mi abuela ^^ ahi puse algunas fotos de la maquina de coser y de los hilos =)

Y el otro problemas es que ultimamente no me puedo vestir bien.... puedo hacerlo solo el fin de semana cuando no trabajo, ojala esto termine en 3 meses ^^

Ahi puse una foto de peter en las escaleras, tipico de el jeje

Sunday, May 15, 2011

New Camera

Today I bought the camera that I wanted sooooo much hehe
Before that.... I made a big research and I was wandering if I should buy Cannon or Nikon... it was a very  tough decition and by the end I decided to buy Nikon even if it doesn't have Live view (which is looking on the screen wile taking a picture) but I don't miss it so much  ,actually thanks to that you look like a professional when you are taking pictures ;)
It really takes great pictures! it's really easy with the guide mode which tells you what to so you don't get lost.
Now I cannot spend more many for a very long time >< The camera cost me 400$ , they have a great sale this weekend... lucky me!! ohoohh

So We went to Wascana park again to take some pictures ... I took so many... tooo many
The park now came back to normal no more floods in there ^^

And here are some pictures my mother took of me playing with Peter hehhee I dressed nice for this time and I notice yellow looks perfect in the grass hehhe


Hoy me pude comprar la camara que tanto queria heheh
antes de comprarla estube bucando mucha informacion y estaba dudando en si comprar una Cannon o Nikon pero al final me decidi por la Nikon a un que no se pueda ver lo que uno esta sacando por la pantallita ... gracias a eso uno se ve todo un profecional cuando saca las fotos ;)
Las fotos que esta camara saca de veras se ven muy buenas y es facil de usarlar ya que tiene un modo de guia que te explica lo que hacer asi uno no se siente tan confundido ^^
Ahora no voy a poder comprar nada por mucho tiempo, me costo 400$ habia una muy buena oferta este fin de semana ... me siento con mucha suerte jojojo
Nos fuimos al wascana Park que volvio totalmente a la normalidad... no mas inundacion!
ahi unas fotos que saque del lugar y otras que saco mi mama del perrito jugando conmigo.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Here are pictures of  Peter after his haircut, Totally a different dog lol I like how they left his eyebrows and mustache, it makes him look more interesting... I guess he doesn't care about it at all heheh
In the second picture doesn't he look like a puppy?


The weather in here is crazy! Some days are super nice and others are like some days you're happy and others you're just annoyed heheh
And lately I'm so busy(but still in a lazy way) :
  • Making graphic design for a new project I'm helping with, I will learn flower decoration as well
  • Started learning how to sew ... already started to make two tops 
  • Make some drawings for the graphic stuffs and just for joy 
  • Learn Japanese 
  • Continuing working and watching TV, computer and do nothing


Puse fotos de peter con su nuevo corte de pelo, parece totalmente un perro defente! hehhe me gusto como le dejaron la sejas y el bigote.... lo hace parecer mas interesante y no que a el le importe jaja
En la segunda foto no parece un cachorrito?

El tiempo aca es re loco! algunos dia son hermosos otros parecen pleno invierno... eso lo hace poner a uno algunos dias contento y otros fastidiado hehhe
Ultimamente anduve un poco ocupada (pero igual de vaga yo)

  • Hacer un disenio grafico para un projecto en el que estoy ayudando, Voy a aprender como decorar flores
  • Espese a aprender a coser y ya estoy haciendo dos blusas
  • Hacer un dibujo para el disenio grafico y por que me gusta dibujar
  • Aprender Japones
  • Seguir trabajando y mirar tele, estar en la compu y no hacer nada

    Saturday, May 7, 2011

    Shopping Day

     Shirt from walmart 10$
    Skirt from Costa Blanca 5$

    Today I just went shopping, because I needed to buy pants for my work and when we went out the day was really sunny and kinda hot but when we came back it became cloudy and cold ... so I think my outfit was perfect for that kind of day and those colors always look good together at any time hehe (really easy).
    I bought a pair of jeans which the name is Tokyo lol actually those were the only one that fit me and I wanted to try this type of jeans which I never had  before hehehe

     Well I planed only to buy those pants and maybe an other little thing... but I found myself in the kids area lol there was a final season sale (winter) and it was every item for 5$ dollars , The clothes looked cute and it was fitting me nicely  hehehe so I couldn't resist myself buying these things >< doesn't look for kids right?


    Hoy me fui de compras ya que tenia que compra un pantalon pare mi trabajo y el dia cuando salimos estaba soleado y calentito pero al volver a casa se puse nublado y medio frio, por eso me parece que lo que me puse hoy fue perfecto para un dia asi y esos colores siempre van bien juntos.
    Compre eso jeans que estan en la foto, los compre porque queria tener un nuevo tipo de pantalones ya que nunca tuve unos asi jejeje y se llaman tokyo eso me dio batante risa XD
    Yo pensaba comprarme solo esos pantalones y alguna otra cosita pero me fui llendo para el area
     de los chico donde habia una oferta de fin de temporada (invierno) cada prenda era 5$ y no me pude resistir a compralos ... no estan bonitos? y no parece tan infantiles no?

    Sunday, May 1, 2011

    Drawing again! ^^

    I made two new drawing this week! I really feel my skills are coming back and it makes me so happy ^^
    I didn't draw for very long time and that made me to lose some of the skills I gathered over the years... I really had a huge black out... every time I tried to make something I just couldn't put it on paper or it just came  awkward , that makes you feel very frustrated but now things are getting better!!!

    You can see that I still waiting for the flowers to bloom
    I like mushrooms! I can eat them all day... before a year ago I really used to hate them, I couldn't even think about eating them... how things change lol but I always like their shape hehe

    This one I made thinking about the fake aquarium I went in Vancouver, I posted about this place if you remember... I never had the opportunity to go diving and see colorful fishes... I wish I could ^^

    And this is an very old drawing I made about the sleeping beauty


    Esta semana hice dos dibujos, creo que mi habilidad esta volviendo y eso me pone super contenta!!
    Como ya les conte, de veras que no dibuje por un monton de tiempo y eso me hizo que haga perder mis habilidades jejeje cada vez que me ponia a dibujar no lo podia pasar al papel o que me quedaba muy mal echo pero por suerte las cosas se estan poniendo mejor ^^