Friday, April 29, 2011

Trying to learn Japanese

Lately I've been trying to learn Japanese with the book that my boyfriend bought for me ^^  , so the first thing that needs to be done are the letters and Those are the letters that I wont forget, if you will come to me next month I will still remember them , but I know that it's not even half of them ><
It reminds me when I was asking my boyfriend to teach me Japanese, all I did is ask and nothing else... he felt frustrated , I can totally understand how he felt, I've been it that situation sooo many times, every time someone discovered that I know Spanish , actually even close friends asked me to teach them Spanish as if magically just by speaking to them somehow they will understand the language hehhe and that's what I did to him lol, well actually he talk to me many times in Japanese but it didn't work  wwwwwww (= Japanese haaha) hahaha

And here is a video by Michelle Phan, you might know her because she does lots of make up tutorials ... I like to watch them even all I do is to put mascara, sometimes some blush that's it ^^
But lately she started to collaborate with a stylist and a hair dresser so they give tips all about it which is awesome!!!

Ultimamente estuve tratando de aprender Japones con el libro que me compro mi novio y lo primero que se tiene que hacer es aprender las letras, en la foto que puse son las letras que pude aprender y si me vienen a preguntar dentro de un mes todabia las voy a recordar.
Eso me hace acordar  cuando yo le pedia a mi novio que me enseniara espaniol, lo unico que hacia es preguntar y ya esta... eso lo frustraba un poco y puedo entenderlo totalmente ya que estuve en esa situacion un monton de veces siempre que alguien descubria que yo sabia espanio , hasta amigos cercanos siempre me pedia que le esenie como si como con arte de magia supieran hablar de inmediato con solo yo hablarles jjejej y eso es lo que le estaba haciendo a el y eso que el me hablo bastantes veces en japones pero no me fue bien asi wwwwww (= jajajaj japones) jajaja

Y aca les deje un video de Michelle Phan , seguro la conocen por que hace un monton de tutoriales sobre maquillaje , a mi me gusta mucho verlos a un que de veras casi no me pinto.
Ahora ella esta colaborando con una staylista y una peluquera asi que dan consejos sobre ese tipo de cosas y me parece buenisimo ^^

Monday, April 25, 2011

I don't know where I've got the sweater
Pants from Urban Outfitters $10 I think

Yesterday I went to work in the morning, it was kinda weird since I didn't work in the morning for very long time.
In the afternoon my family wanted to go outside to Wascana park.... Which is a very nice place... you get to walk along the lake and park ^^ , but when we got there we discovered that there was a flood :(
that's really sad... half of the side walk is under the water, so I guess there was too much snow this year, I hope it will back to normal soon!

And here are some pictures of my dog recently, he looks in his worst lol.... my father tried to cut his hair so he can be fresh for the summer, but the cutting machine didn't work well, so he tried with the scissors and this is the result and the best part of it is that they will take him to beauty place for dogs and Peter the dog will spend 3 hours in there! such a lucky dog!!!


Perdon por no traducir todo este tiempo! desde ahora lo voy a hacer denuevo ya que estoy con nuevas ganas ^^
Ayer fui a trabajar por la maniana y se me hizo super raro ya que hace un monton que no trabajo por la maniana.
Por la tarde mis padres quisieron ir al Wascana Park que es un parque donde uno puede caminar alrededor de un lago, es un muy lindo lugar! pero al llegar nos sorprendio ver que el lugar se inundo y mas de la mitad de la peatonal estaba bajo el agua, al parecer cayo demasiada nieve este anio .... espero que pronto regrese a la normalidad.
Y como pueden ver puse fotos de mi perro que esta en unos de sus peores looks hehe mi papa trato de cortarle el pelo para que este fresquito este verano pero la maquina no hera muy buena entonces le trato de cortar el pelo con la tijera pero tampoco le fue bien y eso fue el resultado , lo mejor de todo esto es que lo van a llevar a un salon de perros y va a pasar 3 horas ahi! que suertudo este perro!! jjeje

Friday, April 22, 2011

Reasons Only knew

 Cardigan from Suzy Shier $30
Dress from Angela $6

Today is Easter so I don't need to go to work!! I totally forgot about that until they told me yesterday, So me and my family went to eat outside in a nice Italian restaurant.... I'm so happy I could eat a nice lasagna, I think they have one of the best!
Another thing that makes me happy as you can see there is no more snow, still it's kinda wintery, but I hope the flowers will bloom soon!! that would be really nice ^^

I like this dress (I like it was cheap and looks nice) and the cardigan together, I think that with the hair down makes it look more cozy ^^ lately my mood have been very cozy lol

me and my sister look so bored lol, but the lasagna really made my day and the dress matches the picture in the back hehhee

and for the end this song was playing on the radio on our way home and it reminds of when I was little and liked the Mentos commercial and though this video was super funny =) hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I really want the spring to come

Dress from Suzy Shier $10
Sweater from boyfriend ( I feel closer to him wearing it)

It seems like the spring doesn't want to come to my town, as you can see from my pictures it's been snowing almost everyday this week :(
I remember my first spring in Canada , the teacher said that you could tell that the spring arrived when the snow started to melt, it was kind of funny for us since the sing of the spring should be flowers growing and it was by this time of the year...aaaah it's so depressing lol

Today I just wanted to see some flowers so I chose to put this dress, I like how it looks with an oversize sweater... it makes it look nice and casual I think ^^

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My work place

Hello ~~
This week was very cold so I was at home all the time, the only thing I did is going to work.
I have some ideas of what I want to draw but I can't put them on paper, every time I'm trying to draw is like as if  I don't know even how to make a flower lol but I will keep on trying anyway ^^
And I took some pictures of my work place... in the pictures it looks like a small place, but actually it's kinda big and the most amazing thing is that is a new place and it seems to be hunted, seriously all of us experienced some kind of weird things ... like whistling, door closing and sounds like somebody is moving something when there is no body in there and as you can see the offices are inside the building so you cannot blame the wind  >< ... it's not scary but annoying hehehe

Here is a nice song! By The Empire Of The Sun

Friday, April 8, 2011

Getting into the swing

I wanted to wear something that will cheer me up and really casual so this is what I came up with, I never wear my hear this way but I think I will wear this style often from now on because I think it looks cool with everything  (casual ,also can go with elegant ) and it's easy to make heheh

After a long break I started to watch anime again and read some short mangas, I found that it's still something that I really like and will never get tired of it, even if I take a break I will always come back to it. 

and here is a song I like by one of my favorite bands ^^

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Yesterday night while I was drawing for some reason I started to take pictures of myself, rarely I take such pictures... well here they are =) my room is a mess lol
All I did these days is working and drawing (TV, computer as well lol)
I have so many ideas of what I want to wear but don't have anywhere to go ><
The weather now is 4 degrees which it means is hot lol and there is almost no snow left I'm so happy , I think that will cheer me up and then I'll go outside hehe

Here is a funny video I like from MTV live (canada), I like to see it sometimes it's really funny

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Another day


Here is a new drawing, it was an idea that I had for a very long time and I think my skills are still not in their best but overall it's ok.
This Idea came while I was watching Hell Girl... I really like this anime even if most of the episodes look the same ^^.

Today even it wasn't so cold we had heavy snow, so just like a bear I preferred to stay all day at home... actually I also had body ache but it's getting a little bit better...

Here is the ending song of Hell Girl... I like this song heheh

Friday, April 1, 2011

Working again

Today I started to work again... I knew this place already so it was normal for me to be there, all I did was mapping, but it's not easy because the place is huge so I guess I need to get used to it again... I'm kind of tired , anyway I hope they will call me from the other place I applied yesterday ^^

Today I finished this drawing, I'm very happy with it... how nice would it be being in the sky making bubbles hehe

I like this song from lights - Second Go