Monday, February 28, 2011

Chocolate toast

I started to pack, in the end I have less than one week left  >< but I'm glad that I will be able to take everything with me!! I'm really happy for that... some other things will go for donation or something like that.
This is a good opportunity to play with my clothes and try to make outfits... which is something I've never done before... I'm really lazy when it comes to clothes even if it looks like I really try hard on my outfit pictures lol also I feel my curls makes everything looks more "fancy" hehehhe so I guess when I wear my hair down I should wear something more simple and when my hair is up I should wear something nicer but yet simple.
aaaaah it's not so easy for me to dress simple hehehe It's sounds so funny and the other reason is that is so cold outside .. I cannot stand wearing just one thing hehehe omg and the place my parent's live is even colder than here , lately it's -30 in there, I hate Regina lol.
Since we don't have so much time left we went to day to one of my favorite places in here... I like to get a vanilla coffee and a chocolate toast, it's a really cozy place and the good thing it's cheap and near our house.

You can eat nice foods as well ^^
I have the same glass at home lol

And I leave you with a song about chocolate by perfume ( I apologize now about the many Japanese songs I will post hehe)


Hoy empese a empacar, por que al final me queda menos de una semana para estar aca >< lo bueno es que voy a poder llevar la mayoria de mis cosas... otras cosas iran a donacion o algo asi.
Es una buena oportunida para probarme las cosas que tengo, cosa que nunca hago ya que so bastante baga cuando vienen a pensar de ropa aunque paresca en las fotos que me la paso pensanso en que ponerme jejje tambien creo que mis rulos hace parecer todo mas "complicado" entonces pienso que cuando tengo el pelo suelto tengo que ponerme algo simpre y cuando esta atado ponerme algo mas lindo pero simple igual XD
AAAh de veras que no es facil para mi vestirme simple, no se porque.... tambien hace frio que no puedo aguantar solo ponerme una cosa .... y lo peor es que donde viven mis padres esta haciendo 30 bajo cero! odio Regina ejje
Como me queda tan poco tiempo, antes de irme queria ir otra vez a uno de mis lugares favoritos aca,me gusta tomar ahi un cafe de vainilla con un tostado de chocolate, tambien podes pedir algo de comer si queres. y lo mejor es que es varato y uno se siente super comodo =)
Aca los dejos con una cancion sobre chocolate de Perfume ( desde ahora perdonenme por todas la canciones japonesas que voy a poner jeje )

1 comment:

Camii Palta A.- said...

I cannot believe that you return to a place
where the weather is -30 degrees!!
About your coffee I love that kind of places
even more on fall and winter!!
take care!