Monday, June 27, 2011

Nivea and a Ramdon day

I have some left overs from my flu, but anyway I feel almost perfect ^^
On Saturday I still was kinda sick so I stayed home and yesterday I worked so I didn't do anything this weekend, well I started drawing...

I put lip balm because my lips were very dry, still are >< I thought It looked nice and started to take pictures of it ... too close I'm sorry, It was a very narcissistic moment haha but I hope I'm not alone.

Sometime ago I bought 3 Nivea lip balms, which are little more than that

First one is Nivea lip care - Light Kiss : which is totally a normal one and it's what I'm wearing on the first  picture, it doesn't have any color just gives a little bit of shine, I think is very nice.

Nivea Pearly Shine: it's a light pink which gives a pearly look to the lips, the effect it does is not so light like you would expect from a lip balm but I personally like it cause I'm not  a person that wears lipstick so often and it's really nice to have this one for such moments .
(those are my lips, but I made the pictures smaller and my lips got another shape heheh)

Nivea Fruity Shine: The same as the other one, It give a nice red color (not so strong) to the lips..
I like that color a lot and the smell is super nice but it doesn't have any taste... Which is something that made me disappointed >< but I really love this one anyway.

They don't last for sooo long but it's ok I guess, I think is a very good product when you want some color on the lips but don't want to wear any lipstick and it's cheap too heheh


el resfrio casi se me fue y me siento casi perfecta, como todabia el sabado no me sentia muy bien me quede en casa y el domingo trabaje asique no hice nada este fin de semana, vah anduve dibujando un poco y como tenia los labios secos (todavia los tengo) me puse crema (?) para los labios..
Hace un tiempo atras me compre 3 productos de nivea que son para labios secos

El primero es Nivea Light Kiss- que no tiene ningun tipo de color solo le da un poco de brillo a los labios y es el que tengo puesto en la primera foto.

Nivea pearly shine- este le da un color rosado con un poco de brillo , el effecto puede ser un poco fuerte para este tipo de producto, ya que uno piensa que el color y el brillo va a ser bien leve, pero esta bueno cuando uno no quiere poneser lapiz labial  pero igual quiere tener algo de color en los labios.

Nivea Fruity shine - este le dan un lindo tono de rojo a los labios y tambien tiene muy rico olor... es el que mas me gusta.

No duran mucho tiempo en los labios pero eso no es mucho problema para mi, pero como ya dije vienen bien en momentos que uno no quiere usar lapiz labial y tambien son bastante varatos ^^


sorelle in style said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better! I've never tried Nivea before - I'm a Burt's Bees girl! :)

sorelle in style

noone said...

yeah it give a really nice red color huh!

btw you got a nice blog, I'm your newest follower!

ali.avenue said...

great photos
xx ali avenue