Saturday, May 7, 2011

Shopping Day

 Shirt from walmart 10$
Skirt from Costa Blanca 5$

Today I just went shopping, because I needed to buy pants for my work and when we went out the day was really sunny and kinda hot but when we came back it became cloudy and cold ... so I think my outfit was perfect for that kind of day and those colors always look good together at any time hehe (really easy).
I bought a pair of jeans which the name is Tokyo lol actually those were the only one that fit me and I wanted to try this type of jeans which I never had  before hehehe

 Well I planed only to buy those pants and maybe an other little thing... but I found myself in the kids area lol there was a final season sale (winter) and it was every item for 5$ dollars , The clothes looked cute and it was fitting me nicely  hehehe so I couldn't resist myself buying these things >< doesn't look for kids right?


Hoy me fui de compras ya que tenia que compra un pantalon pare mi trabajo y el dia cuando salimos estaba soleado y calentito pero al volver a casa se puse nublado y medio frio, por eso me parece que lo que me puse hoy fue perfecto para un dia asi y esos colores siempre van bien juntos.
Compre eso jeans que estan en la foto, los compre porque queria tener un nuevo tipo de pantalones ya que nunca tuve unos asi jejeje y se llaman tokyo eso me dio batante risa XD
Yo pensaba comprarme solo esos pantalones y alguna otra cosita pero me fui llendo para el area
 de los chico donde habia una oferta de fin de temporada (invierno) cada prenda era 5$ y no me pude resistir a compralos ... no estan bonitos? y no parece tan infantiles no?


Ma Vie said...

Ow my your outfit is great I love the skirt the color and all. and great purse as well

Sarah said...

ooh I absolutely love the skirt. The pleats in the front are so girly and fun!!
Wearing It On My Sleeves