This week I finished watching Damages, I don't know why I didn't do it before .... It's a great TV series with a great story.
It's about a lawyers and crimes ... nothing like Law and Order hehhe
To make a summary out of all the seasons : It's about a young lawyer that has a love/hate relationship with her boss which is one of the most famous lawyers and that women loves to deal with huge cases but not in a very legal way. Each season is about a case and it always kept me wanting to see what will happen next.

I also checked Rose Byrne the actress who plays Ellen and she has such a nice style as well.
Of course I don't want to be exactly the same, but I finally found a basis that will allow me to continue to find my own style and I noticed I bought many black and neutrals since I thought it would be good thing to do for the start, so I don't have so much colors and I don't want to spend more money this month unless it's an eyeliner which I don't have and clothes for work.
ooh and here is a picture of how I use to be not so long time ago (until 8 months ago or something ) , I don't think is totally bad, I adore that sweater hehe, but I would like to have a look more put together soemtimes ^^ ooh and underneed the jeans I have 2 pairs of thighs because is so cold here XD Do you have a TV character or a person that you fallow? Not dressing the same but that you like to take ideas from...
I've seen many that I think dress very nice and I like a lot, but never felt they represent me, this is the firts one hehehe
And here are some picture of ellen ^^
And here is a song that the plaied on Demage and I liked
Madita- Ceylon
Estas semana termine de ver Demages, no se por que no lo hice antes ya que esta es una gran serie con una muy buena historia.
Es de abogados y crimenes pero bastante complejo, para hacerlo corto se trata de una joven abogada que tiene una relacion de amistad pero al mismo tiempo de enemiga con una famosa abogada que le gusta tratar casos de mucha gravedad de una forma que no siempre es legal. Cada temporada trata de un caso distinto y siempre lo deja intrigado a uno.
Cuando vi al personaje de Ellen mi primera reaccion fue Oh my gah! por fin pude encotrar el estilo que quisiera tener, claro que no igual pero senti como que tengo una base con la que puedo seguir buscando mi propio estilo.
A algunos le parecera que su estilo es un poco aburrido ya que usa mucho negro y colores neutrales pero de veras que adoro su romatico estilo y este anio estube comprando mucho negro y colores neutrales por que me parecio una buena idea para empesar y ya que compre demasiado y no quiero gastar mas plata ... solo si fuera un eyeliner que no tengo o ropa para el trabajo.
Puse una foto de como solia vestirme no hace mucho atras, creo que vesti asi hace como 8 meses ... no me parece mal, adoro ese top rojo.... pero si me gustaria tener un mejor look.
ahi me puse dos pares de medias debajo del pantalon por que hacia mucho frio jejej
ustedes Tambien tienen un personaje de TV o alguna persona que ustedes les saque ideas??
antes si veia personas que se visten bonito y me gustaba mucho su estilo pero nada que me representa a mi, esta es la primera vez ^^
Y les dejo una cancion que aparecion en la serie y me gusto, Madita - ceylon.
Ellen looks like a lovely girl!
/S / http://
she does wear a lot of black and neutral but she wears it well! she has great style!
I love Ellen's style! =)
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