Shirt from H&M 10$
Skirt second hand 15$ (Zara)
Today I went shopping for some shoes, I'm 25 now and I thought I'm ready to try heel.
I'm not so tall (1.63 , 5'4) but I felt like a giant when I did try them and that's one of the main reason I always kept myself far away from them, also I didn't feel confident enough to wear it... I felt like I will look absolutely ridiculous, Still I feel like I might look like that but I really want to try.

I wanted to buy a soft color at the beginning but finding the perfect heels turned out to be really hard for me (actually it always been hard for me to find shoes that fit me)... my feet are really thin so even if the shoe was my size it still would look big on me on the sides, I couldn't find anything like I planed, but I found the perfect black shoes lol the only one that fit my feet perfect.
Being skinny wasn't always a bless for me, actually it's been like a course.
Finding clothes, shoes and accessories like bracelets that fit me it's super hard...also many people always telling me how scary I look was very hard for me even if they try to care about me , I know it didn't come from a bad place ... Lately I feel better about it, I eat everything I want , It might be nooot sooooo much but it's what I need , so I know that it's how I'm and I really can't change it... maybe with the years it will as I get older but I won't wait for that moment and I will try my best to feel good with myself now... Before that I always tried to hide that wearing oversize things or things that are not tight but I've got tired of hiding ... I always wanted to look nice I think everybody wants that, I'm still trying ... sometimes I over do staff so easily because even if I want to look nice I also don't want to spend so much time on it so I just put everything ... I'm still kinda lazy hehhee
So I think people need to remember that people come in all kind of sizes =)
I don't need compliments but hearing that kinds of staff it's not so nice, this blog wasn't to get compliments either ... just to see how I'm doing in the process as I always wrote diaries... It's something I enjoy to do ^^
oooh and for more positive things here is what I bought
Today my little sister put the disc of Smashing Pumpkins I have while she was playing with toys (she enjoys that kind of music and she is 8 hehe) and hearing them today really gave memories specially the song Mayonnaise it was perfect for me today ^^
And sorry for such a long post again... I didn't planed it to be like that hehe
Hoy fui a compra sapatos, ya tengo 25 y siento que estoy prepara para comprar tacos.
no soy tan alta (1.63, 5'4) pero cuando me ponia tacos me sentia como una gigante esa era una de las gran razones por lo que siempre me mantuve lejos de ellos, la otra razon es por que sentia que me veria ridicula poniendomelos , todavia siento eso pero de veras que quiero tratar de usarlos.
Queria comprar un color claro pero encontrar los sapatos perfectos para mi no es facil ya que tengo el pie angosto y por mas que me ponga el sapato que sea de mi talla me queda grande por los costados, no pude encontrar lo que planeaba pero si pude encontrar unos sapatos negros que me quedaron perfectos.
Ser fraca nunca fue una gran suerte para mi, mas bien fue una maldicion.
Encontrar ropa, sapatos o accesorios como pulseras que me quedaran bien siempre me fue algo dificil encontrar, tambien escuchar tantas veces que le doy impresion a la gente me pone mal... ya se que lo dicen por mi bien.... ultimamente me siento mejor conmigo misma ... yo como lo que quiero aun que no sea un moooonton pero es lo que yo quiero al fin.. quizas estoy va a cambiar cuando sea mas mayor pero no voy a esperar a ese momento por que por ahora de veras que no puedo hacer nada , es como soy asi que voy a tratar de sentirme bien como soy =)
Antes me ponia ropa que me quedaba grande o que no era para nada ajustada pero me canse de esconderme, siempre quise verme bien, creo que todos quieren eso, todabia estoy trantando asique las cosas se ven medias forsadas a veces ... es que por mas que quiera verme bien no quiero tampoco pensar tanto en eso asique me pongo todo lo que tengo a mano... soy vaga todabia.
Creo que la gente tiene que enterder que la gente viene en todo tipo de tallas.
Yo no necesito que me esten algando, pero oir ese tipo de cosas tampoco es lindo y este blog tampoco lo hice para que me alagen .. solo que quiero ver como voy con esto y siempre me gusto escribir diarios.. es algo que disfruto ^^
en la foto esta lo que me compre hoy
Hoy mi hermana mientras estaba jugando puse el dicos de los Smashing pumpkins que tengo (tiene 8 y le gusta este tipo de musica jeje) y escucharlos hoy si que me trajo memorias , especialmente la cancion Mayonnaise que me vino perfecto hoy ^^