I've been asked if my curly hair is real by people who I used to work together everyday for long time. I don't know why tho I find it's kind of funny since I don't know anybody who will choose to extremely curl his/her hair everyday hehe.
And another thing that bothers me are people who always ask me why I don't do my hair strait or say to me that strait hair would look much better on me, I was born with this kind of hair and I wont change it, in all my life I've straitened my hair twice and I didn't like how it looked on me... even if when I was young I was thinking that I would die for strait hair hehhe
The problem with curly hair maybe is that you really need to know how to take care, actually the key in my opinion is just let it be and don't touch it after taking a shower =)
Tresemme Naturals: really works well |
The other day I finished the Tresemme naturals bottle that I got and I was really happy with it!
I cannot live without conditioner and the most important thing about a conditioner for me is that it will allow me to cone my hair easily in the shower, actually is the only thing I care about... If the conditioner does it , it means that also it will leave your hair soft when it dries.
Before I really like pantene products, but I wanted to give a shut to something new that also turn to be cheaper , I think it cost 6 dollars and its a big bottle (700ml).
I guess is not 100% natural but still more natural than others, I don't want to espend lots of money in a real one, it says it's silicone free and from what I've read silicone is bad for curly hair ><
It as aloe vera and avocado ... I think its really smell like that , but is not a bad thing... anyway it leaves a soft smell ^^
In the shower it allowed me to cone my hair very easily and I was really surprised and super happy about it and because of it my hair was soft after it dried =)
It's a nice product that really works well, so I will really recommend it if you look for something that is natural and cheap.
Me paso que algunas veces despues de haber estado por mucho tiempo , alguien viene y me pregunta si mi pelo enrulado es natural, no se... pero de veras que me dio gracia ya que no conosco a nadie que se haga el pelo super enrulado todo los dias hehe
Y otra cosa que me molesta es la gente que me sigue preguntando por que no me aliso el pelo o que me dicen que el pelo enrulado me quedaria mucho mejor, de veras que asi naci y no lo voy a cambiar, desde que naci me alise el pelo dos veces y no me gusto como me quedo aunque cuando era mas joven moriria por tener el pelo lasio.
Creo que el problema con el pelo enrulado es que hay que saber manejarlo, vah creo que la clave es no tocarlo despues de baniarse y dejarlo en paz jejej
El otro dia compe Tresemme Naturals ,ya que queria probar algo nuevo y mas varato que pantene . ( que es lo que casi siempre uso)
Yo no puedo vivir sin enjuage y la cosa mas importante para mi sobre el enjuage es que me deje peinar el pelo facilmente , y si hace eso quiere decir que el pelo me va a quedar suabe despues que se seque.
Creo que este producto no es 100% natural , pero si lo es mas que otros y la cosa es que es varato y no quiero gastar tanta plata en uno que si lo es. Dice que no tiene silicona y segun lei la silicona es malo para el pelo enrulado ><
Tiene aloe vera y avocado,,, que es el olor que tiene, pero no es algo malo ya que deja una suave fragancia en el pelo ^^
En la ducha me dejo peinarme el pelo muy facilmente y eso es algo que me sorprendio y me puse super contenta y por esa razon mi pelo quedo suave y lindo =)
Es un buen producto que de veras hace su "trabajo" , lo recomiendo si estas buscando algo que sea natural y varato.