Monday, February 28, 2011

Not enought snow for me

Second hand coat
Bag from Aldo $19
Dress from H&M $30

The other day I talked with my mother and then with my friend back home... And I mentioned about all the stores I will miss ><  Regina is a very small city and you don't have so many choices.. well they have a mall with gap and something like that... but is not my favorite.
I was talking how much I will miss H&M and forever 21! in those stores you can find such nice things and not so expensive and when I get to know them well I need to go back hehehe 
So while talking about it and telling me that they wished they had such store to buy clothes... I went to buy some presents for them in H&M... I really hope they like it!
When we came back home it started to snow a little, even today wasn't as cold as the other days... but still cold hehe
I like this dress because it's neck can be use as a scarf when you close the coat, so I don't need to Carrie a scarf lol
well I need to prepare for the dessert of snow there is back home XD


El otro dia hable con mi mama y despues con una amiga mia, les dije cuanto voy a extraniar los negocios que hay aca >< Regina es una ciudad muy pequenia y no hay tantos negocios como aca... claro que hay donde comprar, el el shopping tenes gap y cosas asi pero no son mis favoritos.
Les dije cuanto voy a extraniar H&M y Forever 21! en estos negocios pordes encontrar cosas super lindas y no tan caras. Por eso es que fui a H&M a comprales algo , espero que les guste!!!
Cuando volviamos para casa empeso a nevar un poquito y eso que no hacia tanto frio como otros dias, pero igual hacia frio.
Me gusta este vestido por que el cuello lo podes usar como bufanda cuando cerras el saco y eso hace que no tenga que llevar bufanda hehhe
Me tengo que preparar para el desierto de nieve que me espera en regina XD

Chocolate toast

I started to pack, in the end I have less than one week left  >< but I'm glad that I will be able to take everything with me!! I'm really happy for that... some other things will go for donation or something like that.
This is a good opportunity to play with my clothes and try to make outfits... which is something I've never done before... I'm really lazy when it comes to clothes even if it looks like I really try hard on my outfit pictures lol also I feel my curls makes everything looks more "fancy" hehehhe so I guess when I wear my hair down I should wear something more simple and when my hair is up I should wear something nicer but yet simple.
aaaaah it's not so easy for me to dress simple hehehe It's sounds so funny and the other reason is that is so cold outside .. I cannot stand wearing just one thing hehehe omg and the place my parent's live is even colder than here , lately it's -30 in there, I hate Regina lol.
Since we don't have so much time left we went to day to one of my favorite places in here... I like to get a vanilla coffee and a chocolate toast, it's a really cozy place and the good thing it's cheap and near our house.

You can eat nice foods as well ^^
I have the same glass at home lol

And I leave you with a song about chocolate by perfume ( I apologize now about the many Japanese songs I will post hehe)


Hoy empese a empacar, por que al final me queda menos de una semana para estar aca >< lo bueno es que voy a poder llevar la mayoria de mis cosas... otras cosas iran a donacion o algo asi.
Es una buena oportunida para probarme las cosas que tengo, cosa que nunca hago ya que so bastante baga cuando vienen a pensar de ropa aunque paresca en las fotos que me la paso pensanso en que ponerme jejje tambien creo que mis rulos hace parecer todo mas "complicado" entonces pienso que cuando tengo el pelo suelto tengo que ponerme algo simpre y cuando esta atado ponerme algo mas lindo pero simple igual XD
AAAh de veras que no es facil para mi vestirme simple, no se porque.... tambien hace frio que no puedo aguantar solo ponerme una cosa .... y lo peor es que donde viven mis padres esta haciendo 30 bajo cero! odio Regina ejje
Como me queda tan poco tiempo, antes de irme queria ir otra vez a uno de mis lugares favoritos aca,me gusta tomar ahi un cafe de vainilla con un tostado de chocolate, tambien podes pedir algo de comer si queres. y lo mejor es que es varato y uno se siente super comodo =)
Aca los dejos con una cancion sobre chocolate de Perfume ( desde ahora perdonenme por todas la canciones japonesas que voy a poner jeje )

Friday, February 25, 2011

Nigiri Sushi

Shirt from H&M $10
Pink cardigan from Blue Notes $10
Black cardigan Fair Weather $15
Second hand skirt $10 (Zara)

Vancouver has been colder than ever!! really... it's freezing and it makes it really hard to go outside...
Yesterday I bought flight ticket to go back home, I have ten days left in Vancouver, so I'm really sad and kind of depressed ><
That's why yesterday we got sushi, near our house there is one of the best toro sushi in town hehhe Nishiki Sushi is the name of the place.
I think they always laugh at us because we order only toro sushi and 3 Tobiko hehe.
I know many people look in bad eyes eating raw fish, I was one of those persons... but when I tried it became one of my favorites food... and every time I eat it, I'm so happy hehhee

Here is a Japanese band that I like a lot, Their name is 相対性理論 (Soutaisei Riron)


En Vancouver esta haciendo mas frio que nunca! de veras que uno se congela afuera y no te dan ganas ni de sacar la naris jejejje
Ayer compre pasaje para volver a casa, me quedan diez dias en Vancouver y deveras que me pone super triste y ando media depre ><
Por eso es que comimos sushi. Serca de casa tenemos uno de los mejores toro sushi de la ciudad y el nombre de este lugar es Nishiki Sushi.
Creo que siempre que vamos se rien de nosotros por que solo pedimos Toro Sushi y tres Tobiko jejej.
Creo que a mucha gente le da cosa comer pescado crudo, yo era una de esas personas pero una vez que lo pobre se convirtio en una de mis comidas favoritas y cada vez que tengo la oportunidad de comerlo me pongo super contenta.
Aca los dejo con una banda japonesa que me gusta mucho, se llaman 相対性理論 (Soutaisei Riron).
que la pasen bien ^^

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Stanley Park

Coat from Esprit $120
The scarf is a gift, (uniqlo)
Sweater from Fair Weather $10
Skirt from Forever 21 $12

Yesterday we went to Stanley Park, because it was sunny, but don't let the sun full you! it was very cold anyway hehehe
I had one of my best time in Vancouver when I went to Stanley park by bicycle, It was in the summer and because we don't have a bike of our own we needed to rent one, which was kind of pricey but totally worth it.
All the way is surrounding the sea and the park it means you have a great view all the time...It's really really nice

 On our way we went to a place we haven't notices before, it kind of hiding in the middle of the park. it called beaver lake... and it looks like you getting inside the forest... like fiery tale place ... so surprising to find such place in the middle of the trip and in the city lol

As you can see I had a really good time being is this places!! ^^
because by the end we were so tired and it was cold we went to drink coffe to get warm again. It was Blenzz Coffee which is very nice place (it's like a Canadian Starbucks)


Ayer fuimos a Stanley Park por que estaba soleado , pero no dejen que el sol los confunda por que igueal hacia frio jejeje
Tuve uno de mis mejores momentos cuando fui a este parque en el verano.
Fuimos con unas bicicletas que alquilamos por que no tenemos unas que sean nuestras >< fue un poco caro pero igual la pasasmos tan bien que no importo.
El recorreo es todo por la costa y el parque lo que quiere decir que tenes hermosos paisajes todo el paseo ^^
de veras que es super bonito!
en la mitad del paseo nos dimos cuenta que hay un paso que da para un pequenio bosque, te da la sensacion de que descubrites un bosque secreto como en los cuentos jejejej pero igaul hay bastante gente ahi jejjee
se llama Biever Lake ... al final del camino hay una laguna que es muy linda!
La pase muy bien eyer viendo estos bonitos lugares!!!
Despues fuimos a tomar caffe asi descansamos un poco y nos sentimos mejor ^^

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A simple day

 Scarf from Ardene 2 for $15
 Old shirt 
Long cardigan from Fair Weather 2 for $30
and an old skirt which I always wear hehe

Today wasn't so cold, but when we went outside we discovered that it was snowing a little bit outside, but it was so little that it melt right away hehe  >< anyway it was enough to make me happy ^^
we went to a place called Value village that is a huge second hand stores that is across my street. I found myself looking in the section of Xlarge summer shirts and what for one woman can big a shirt for me can a dress, so I can say I bought two cute dresses lol
Today After long time not entering to this site that I've post before.... I came across this article she wrote Click here , I really like what she said about not to copy exactly one look , but try to make it yours.
I really don't read fashion magazines, I'm a little bit ignorant about what's going on in fashion, or maybe not heheh because I really like to look and see what are in the stores and to watch people's outfits on the streets and from there to get some ideas of what I like and what would look nice on me too.
Still I'm trying to find my stiles, sometimes I like casual and other times to be a little bit more dressy, and I want to find the middle of it XD

Here is a band that I really like called The Go Team, they have very fun songs... here is one of them ^^



Holas ~~~
hoy no hacia mucho frio pero cuando salimos afuera estaba nevando un poquito, pero era tan poquito que se derreria al momento que tocaba algo jeje igual fue sufisiente para ponerme contenta.
Fuimos a un lugar que se llama Value Village, que es como un lugar grande de cosas de segunda mano, un lugar de ahorro. Cuando estanba mirando entre las cosas , mirando en la seccion de ropa grande vi unas blusas que para mi eran como vestidos , puedo decir que compre dos lindos vestido.s jeje
Hoy estaba leyendo un articulo que decia que uno no tiene que copiar un look , sino agarrar ese paticular look y hacerlo de uno.
De veres que yo no leo magazines para nada, se puede decir que de moda no se casi nada, vah me gusta mirar lo que hay en los negosios y mirar a la gente por la calle y de ahi mirar que es lo que me gusta y que es lo que a mi me quedaria bien.
Igual todabia estoy tratando de encontrar mi look, a veces me gusta verme sensilla y otras un poco mas elegante , quiero encontrar el equilobrio entre los dos.

Los dejo con una banda que me gusta mucho, se llaman The Go Team y tienen canciones que son alegres... esa es una de ellas.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

China Town

Today we went to china town, it was a very cold day and for a moment when it started raining it looked like it started snowing, but not lol
Because of it I tried to wear something warm that's why I like this scarf and it also put some color into all the black hehhe 
I was a little bit afraid of china town since I always read bad things about, but it was kind of ok.... as long as you don't enter to hasting street! really do not enter to hasting street from there ><
But I discovered it to be a very charming place! the streets looked special and different from other places in the city.

The gate of China Town

Pender street

A cool building

Then we went to the Classical Chinese Garden which is small but very beautiful. I could sit in there all day and just look at the view ^^

I think China Town is a very special place, from there you can go to Gas Town that as old looking Streets and some antique shops.
Afterthat is was cold to be outside and we decided to come back home and feel warm again, Cold days really make you appreciate coming home again hehhe

Hola Hoy fuimos a China Town, aunque hacia frio y por un momento cuando empeso a llover parecia como si estuviera nevando ... pero no jejjeje
Por eza razon me queria poner ropa que me mantenga en calor, por eso me gusta esa bufanda que tambien le puso color a lo negro que tenia puesto.
Al principio tenia un poco de miedo de ir ahi, por que lei cosas malas de ese lugar, pero mientras no entras a Hasting street todo bien... de veras no entres a Hasting street ><
Pero descubri que es un lugar encantador, es especial y diferente a otro lugares de la ciudad.
Despues fuimos a un pequenio parque que se llama El clasico jardin chino... es muy bonito y me podria quedar sentada todo el dia mirando el paisaje.
despues como hacia mucho frio y nos dio pereza quedarnos afuera ... decidimos volver a casa asi estamos calentitos otra vez, de veras que los dias frio te hacen apreciar mucho poder volver a casa otra vez jejje

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Finnished bottle: Tresemme naturals


I've been asked if my curly hair is real by people who I used to work together everyday for long time. I don't know why tho I find it's kind of funny since I don't know anybody who will choose to extremely curl his/her hair everyday hehe.
And another thing that bothers me are people who always ask me why I don't do my hair strait  or say to me that strait hair would look much better on me, I was born with this kind of hair and I wont change it, in all my life I've straitened my hair twice and I didn't like how it looked on me... even if when I was young I was thinking that I would die for strait hair hehhe
The problem with curly hair maybe is that you really need to know how to take care, actually the key in my opinion is just let it be and don't touch it after taking a shower =)

Tresemme Naturals: really works well

The other day I finished the Tresemme naturals bottle that I got and I was really happy with it!
I cannot live without conditioner and the most important thing about a conditioner for me is that it will allow me to cone my hair easily in the shower, actually is the only thing I care about... If the conditioner does it , it means that also it will leave your hair soft when it dries.
Before I really like pantene products, but I wanted to give a shut to something new that also turn to be cheaper , I think it cost 6 dollars and its a big bottle (700ml).
I guess is not 100% natural but still more natural than others, I don't want to espend lots of money in a real one, it says it's silicone free and from what I've read silicone is bad for curly hair ><
It as aloe vera and avocado ... I think its really smell like that , but is not a bad thing... anyway it leaves a soft smell ^^
In the shower it allowed me to cone my hair very easily and I was really surprised and super happy about it and because of it my hair was soft after it dried =)
It's a nice product that really works well, so I will really recommend it if you look for something that is natural and cheap.


Me paso que algunas veces despues de haber estado por mucho tiempo , alguien viene y me pregunta si mi pelo enrulado es natural, no se... pero de veras que me dio gracia ya que no conosco a nadie que se haga el pelo super enrulado todo los dias hehe
Y otra cosa que me molesta es la gente que me sigue preguntando por que no me aliso el pelo o que me dicen que el pelo enrulado me quedaria mucho mejor, de veras que asi naci y no lo voy a cambiar, desde que naci me alise el pelo dos veces y no me gusto como me quedo aunque cuando era mas joven moriria por tener el pelo lasio.
Creo que el problema con el pelo enrulado es que hay que saber manejarlo, vah creo que la clave es no tocarlo despues de baniarse y dejarlo en paz jejej
El otro dia compe Tresemme Naturals ,ya que queria probar algo nuevo y mas varato que pantene . ( que es lo que casi siempre uso)
Yo no puedo vivir sin enjuage y la cosa mas importante para mi sobre el enjuage es que me deje peinar el pelo facilmente , y si hace eso quiere decir que el pelo me va a quedar suabe despues que se seque.
Creo que este producto no es 100% natural , pero si lo es mas que otros y la cosa es que es varato y no quiero gastar tanta plata en uno que si lo es. Dice que no tiene silicona y segun lei la silicona es malo para el pelo enrulado ><
Tiene aloe vera y avocado,,, que es el olor que tiene, pero no es algo malo ya que deja una suave fragancia en el pelo ^^
En la ducha me dejo peinarme el pelo muy facilmente y eso es algo que me sorprendio y me puse super contenta y por esa razon mi pelo quedo suave y lindo =)
Es un buen producto que de veras hace su "trabajo" , lo recomiendo si estas buscando algo que sea natural y varato.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day

Dress from Angela $25
Pin for the hair from Claire's $2.50
HEllo ^^
Today was Valentine's Day!! I'm so happy I could spend it with my boyfriend! because soon he will come back to his country.
I wanted to wear something very romantic and cute and this dress was perfect for the occasion <3 I used the belt of the dress as a headband and the flower pin for the hair as a brooch, Do you have some more ideas for the belt? Here are other Ideas I came up with....

Well about my day... At first we went to the stake house named KEG which is not cheap but not so expensive (for special occasions lol) and I really Enjoyed my meal because they let us have the table next to the fireplace and it made everything feel more romantic heheh

and then as we started walking outside to take a walk it started raining and became really windy, so we stop by Tim Horton's which is a cheap coffee shop that I really like, they have nice donuts and I like to drink french vanilla with a croissant there

The steam from the coffee made that effect lol

So even if you don't have a partner, I hope you had a really great time!! Happy valentine~~~~


Hoy fue el dia de San Valentin y Estoy super contenta que lo pude pasar con mi novio que pronto se va ^^
Por eso queria ponerme algo que sea romantico y este vestido me parecio perfecto... use el cinturon de del vestido como una vincha hehe y el broche para el pelo como un prendedor .
Tienen otras ideas de como usar el cinturon, ahi hice un dibujo con alguna otra idea ^^
Sobre lo que fue mi dia... al principio fuimos a un restaurante de carne que se llama keg donde los precios no son varatos ni caros, (y esta es una ocasion especial) la pase muy bien ahi, ya que nos hicieron centar junto al hogar y eso me sentir como si todo fuera mas tomantico jejej
Despues queriamos caminar un poquito pero se largo a llover bastante y a hacer mucho viento que al final nos metimos en un cafe llamado Tim Horton's que es varato y a mi me gusta, especialmente me gusta tomar un french vanilla con una medialuna de manteca ^^
Espero que hayan tenido un bonito dia a un que quizas no tengan pareja! Feliz dia a todos!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Olympic Anniversary

 Jacket from forever 21 $25
Tights from Aldo $10
Scarf from Urban Planet
Headband From Ardene 5 for $10 and there 
were 3 headbands in the package

Today I tried to wear all white and red, but I don't have shoes or skirt in those colors :( so I chose black as the "other" color ^^  the reason for these colors is that today Vancouver celebrated the 1st anniversary of the Olympics , which in my opinion is a very weird anniversary , but they found a good reason to make a party so I was there hehehe
They made activities in many places around downtown... so I will put pictures of what I could see ^^

The Olympic torch which is very cool!!! and this time they let us get closer to the torch ^^

They were also ice skating hehehe

There was a small parade which was very fun it was from something called Public Dreams, their costumes were very dreamy but we couldn't  take good pictures of them ><

The train engine in my back

Trying to act like the old day lol

Then we went towards Yale Town , that the main theme there was lights.
First we went to see the train engine... is so cool to see real old stuffs, I really enjoyed my short time there, then we just walked on the streets and saw other cool stuffs

It was very cool to see that on the wall!!

A fire show ^^

Then we went to see some concerts, at first we saw a band called Said The Whale .... I didn't know them, but I really liked them and I will try to find some of their music so that I can keep listening to them.
Then there was a DJ party but the camera battery died XD
But I had lots of fun with the band and the DJ.... I jumped a lot and my legs now hart hheheh 

Enjoying watching Said The Whale