Well because of my mistake I made a New blog... Hopefully new starts will be better
here it is http://vel-days.blogspot.com/
If you like you can continue reading my blog in here! thank you for everything ^^
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
With all my heart
Vest handmade by the mother of my grandma
Shirt from blue notes $10
Owl necklace from Forever 21 $7 (?)
Giraffe necklace from Suzy Shier $8
My grandma has kept so many things made by her family ... actually not so many as she would have wanted since we moved a lot and we didn't always get to keep everything, but anyway I just discovered it again...I tried so many times to learn but always something kept me from learning ... I regret it a lot but is not too late! I do want to learn, but again I'm always busy and over the years I think that women lost the patient to create such kind of things, it's kind of sad that women gave up to that side of being a woman and tried to become more like a man but I will keep trying ^^
Yesterday I went out with a friend... Finally I get some social life heheh
We went to the mall and I spent only 14$ on a blouse, a ring and earrings ... that mall is super cheap ... there is an outlet of Suzy Shier ... It's huge , looks like they brought all the left overs of all the stores so Regina can start to dress better .. I bought such a pretty blouse for $2.50 ... I couldn't believe it (*v*)
I had fun today with my outfit,sorry it's white again... yeah, but anyway I liked my vest and my shiny headband... I didn't intend to put the necklaces together, it was by chance while I was trying one of them and without taking that one off I tried another one and decided they look well together even that those animal have nothing I common hehehe when I went to the jewelery stand the seller thought that I was a fan of animal staff and started to show me everything that she had with animals ><
My coworkers always put music in their car while drawing and yesterday they put a different kind of music than they usually do... but anyway I was so sleepy while they were driving and my head was lying on my hand and they thought I did that because I was sad and this song started to play and my coworker said this song was for me .... which it called " The girl is sad" by Leo Dan... but I just was sleepy ><
ahora me tengo que preparar para ir a trabajar... nos vemos pronto ^^
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Simple summer
Blouse from H&M $10
Shorts from Urban Planet I don't remember how much
Shoes from Payless $10
Headband from Ardene 5 for $10
Belt from Ardene 3 for $15
Belt from Ardene 3 for $15
Sorry for not writing for so long but I rally didn't do anything, Well I had my haircut done the other day but in this picture you cannot see and I'm pretty happy with my new haircut so pretty soon I will show it ^^
Also I started sewing again ... I'm in the middle of making two skirts but I can't finished it until I go to the fabric shop and buy some elastic... I'm so lazy and it's nothing to be proud of , I still have two tops that need to be finished as well ><
I'm really happy with this outfit! I need to get used managing colors better, I really like colorful clothes ... but for this time I just preferred to wear white and a kind of red color again.. but I think everything looks nicely together for a simple summer day.
Perdon por no escribir por tanto tiempo es que de veras que casi no hice nada.... vah me corte el pelo pero no se puede ver en las fotos, estoy muy contenta con el corte asique prontito se los voy a mostrar.
Tambien empese a hacer dos faldas que tengo que termina por que me faltan algunas cosas y hasta que no valla a ir a la tienda de telas se vah a quedar parado... ando tan vaga ultimamente que es un horror y todabia tendo dos tops que tengo que terminar ><
Estoy contenta con mi look, quiero tratar de usar bien los colores.. por ahora elegi blanco con un toque de tonos rojos otra vez... pero pienso que se bien juntos para un simple dia de verano
Monday, July 4, 2011
This is the drawing I was making and I just finished it.... how nice would it be to catch a cloud and hug it like a stuffed animal hehe, at least I get to catch it for a moment on my drawing hehehhe and finally I gave up on my scanner >< there is some blue around the clouds but it almost doesn't show in here but the rest of it look like the original one.. I can be happy anyway ^^
The weather her has been crazy!!! one day you cannot breath because it's too hot and humid.. then rain then sun and then a cold day again but again I should be happy because we do get some summer days and I was waiting for them so much, I think I told that so many times in here... I just cannot help mention it every time we get a hot day =)
Here is a picture of what a day looks like in here... sun then after 30 minutes rain and then after 30 minutes sun again hehehe
And here is a song I like by Belle and sebastian - Waiting for the moon to rise
Este es el dibujo que estaba haciendo y justo lo termine... que lindo seria atrapar a una nuve y abrazarla como si fuera un peluche... por lo menos se me da la oportunidad de hacerlo en mi dibujo ^^\
Ya me rendi!! mu scanner no hace bien su trabajo... habia un poco de azul alrededor de las nuves pero casi ni se ve... igual el resto del dibujo se ve casi como el original asique puede estar contenta de algun modo.
(termino de traducir cuando vuelvo de trabajar ^^)
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Canada Day
Scarf from Ardene 3 for $15
Thrifted cardigan
Top from Blue Notes 3 for$15
Skirt from Forever 21 $12
Yesterday was Canada day... and there was lots of people in Waskana Lake , I never saw so many people in there but despite that it was a very a boring day and cold hehehe the most amusing thing were kids playing with bubble guns hehe that really made me feel entertained (seriously).. I miss Vancouver in such times =)
I could find this red scarf and the white top to make Canada's colors, the rest is just random but I think it goes well together ^^
And here is a song by Tegan and Sara
Ayer el dia de Canada... huvo mucha gente en el lago de Waskana ... nunca habia visto tanta gente ahi pero a pesar de eso el dia estuvo bastante aburrido, lo mas entretenido era ver a los chicos jugando con una pistola de burbujas eso si que me hizo sentir un poco mas feliz. De veras que extranio a Vancouver en momentos como este =)
Encontre la bufanda roja y el top blanco para hacer los colores de Canada , Lo demas me lo puse pensado que quedaba bien, espero que si.
Puse una cancion de Tegan y Sara ^^
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Get over
Thrifted shirt I think it was $3
Jeans from Urban planet 12$
Aldo bag 20$
Nothing much changed from the last post, well we have some real summer days... super hot outside and that makes me happy!!! Finally 30 degrees heheh that will last one day I guess.
I think I never mention it in here but I lived in Israel for 12 years, basically I grew up in there but it's kind of sad to see how much I got myself disconnected from there since I came here, I mean I never use Hebrew ...all the time I speak Spanish and English, don't know any people from there in here... but I do keep in touch with my friends in there, sadly not so often... anyway is very hot in there in the summer and I used to hate it but now I'm waiting for it all the year.... life is funny hehhee
And I leave with you with the song of one of my favorites animes Hikaru No Go, I used to run home from work and fight with my roommates to watch this one on TV, I don't know how I could live without a computer at the time I think I can never do that again ><
No mucho cambio desde mi ultimo post, vah ahora si tenemo unos dias de verano de verdad... esta super caliente afuera y eso me pone contenta, son como 30 grados y seguro que dura un dia.
Creo que nunca mencione que vivi en Israel por 12 anios, se puede decir que creci ahi pero es triste ver como desde que llegue aca me desconecte de ahi, me refiero a que nunga huzo el Hebreo, me la paso hablando Espaniol y Ingles, no conosco a nadie que sea de Israel... si estoy en contacto con mis amigos de alla pero no tan a menudo como tendria que ser ... bueno la cosa es que hacia mucho calor ahi y era una de las cosas que mas odiaba y ahora me la paso esperando que llegue el verano... la vida es divertida jejje
Los dejo con una de las canciones de mi anime favorito Hikaru No go, para ver este anime me venia corriendo del trabajo y me pelaba con mi companieros de departamento para que me dejen mirarlo en la tele, no tenia computadora en ese momento, no creo que pueda vivir asi otra vez ><
Monday, June 27, 2011
Nivea and a Ramdon day
I have some left overs from my flu, but anyway I feel almost perfect ^^
On Saturday I still was kinda sick so I stayed home and yesterday I worked so I didn't do anything this weekend, well I started drawing...
I put lip balm because my lips were very dry, still are >< I thought It looked nice and started to take pictures of it ... too close I'm sorry, It was a very narcissistic moment haha but I hope I'm not alone.
Sometime ago I bought 3 Nivea lip balms, which are little more than that
First one is Nivea lip care - Light Kiss : which is totally a normal one and it's what I'm wearing on the first picture, it doesn't have any color just gives a little bit of shine, I think is very nice.
(those are my lips, but I made the pictures smaller and my lips got another shape heheh)
I like that color a lot and the smell is super nice but it doesn't have any taste... Which is something that made me disappointed >< but I really love this one anyway.
They don't last for sooo long but it's ok I guess, I think is a very good product when you want some color on the lips but don't want to wear any lipstick and it's cheap too heheh
el resfrio casi se me fue y me siento casi perfecta, como todabia el sabado no me sentia muy bien me quede en casa y el domingo trabaje asique no hice nada este fin de semana, vah anduve dibujando un poco y como tenia los labios secos (todavia los tengo) me puse crema (?) para los labios..
Hace un tiempo atras me compre 3 productos de nivea que son para labios secos
El primero es Nivea Light Kiss- que no tiene ningun tipo de color solo le da un poco de brillo a los labios y es el que tengo puesto en la primera foto.
Nivea pearly shine- este le da un color rosado con un poco de brillo , el effecto puede ser un poco fuerte para este tipo de producto, ya que uno piensa que el color y el brillo va a ser bien leve, pero esta bueno cuando uno no quiere poneser lapiz labial pero igual quiere tener algo de color en los labios.
Nivea Fruity shine - este le dan un lindo tono de rojo a los labios y tambien tiene muy rico olor... es el que mas me gusta.
No duran mucho tiempo en los labios pero eso no es mucho problema para mi, pero como ya dije vienen bien en momentos que uno no quiere usar lapiz labial y tambien son bastante varatos ^^
el resfrio casi se me fue y me siento casi perfecta, como todabia el sabado no me sentia muy bien me quede en casa y el domingo trabaje asique no hice nada este fin de semana, vah anduve dibujando un poco y como tenia los labios secos (todavia los tengo) me puse crema (?) para los labios..
Hace un tiempo atras me compre 3 productos de nivea que son para labios secos
El primero es Nivea Light Kiss- que no tiene ningun tipo de color solo le da un poco de brillo a los labios y es el que tengo puesto en la primera foto.
Nivea pearly shine- este le da un color rosado con un poco de brillo , el effecto puede ser un poco fuerte para este tipo de producto, ya que uno piensa que el color y el brillo va a ser bien leve, pero esta bueno cuando uno no quiere poneser lapiz labial pero igual quiere tener algo de color en los labios.
Nivea Fruity shine - este le dan un lindo tono de rojo a los labios y tambien tiene muy rico olor... es el que mas me gusta.
No duran mucho tiempo en los labios pero eso no es mucho problema para mi, pero como ya dije vienen bien en momentos que uno no quiere usar lapiz labial y tambien son bastante varatos ^^
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